About us

Art2080.com is a platform where artists, art galleries, collectors, art curators, art critics and other members of the art market are strictly aligned with their goals, objectives and needs.

The Art2080.com platform will help the following categories of members of the art market:

  • Retailers (artists, art dealers, galleries, curators and art critics). They can post information about works of art and their authors on the website.
  • Galleries, art critics, curators and other members of the art market. They can post information on their internal structure and creators, as well as report on art exhibitions and other art events.
  • Collectors and other members of the art market. They can buy paintings directly from the right holders or their legal representatives.
  • All users of the site. They can discuss works of art and articles posted on the website and give them a qualitative assessment.

We draw the attention of the users of the Art2080.com platform! You will not buy work directly from us. The administration of the Art2080.com website is not involved in any legal relationship between persons who have written a sales transaction between each other.

Categories of people who can sell works on the Art2080.com platform

If you are the author, the right holder of works of art or the legal representative of the artist by prior agreement with him, you should register on the Art2080.com platform as the seller and then unload your products.

As time goes by, you will be able to receive notice of completed moderation on the email you indicated when registering. By this time, the information you have posted on the website will be visible in one of its sectors. There are many sectors, each of which depends on the type of author you have named yourself. It can be a sector for artists, art galleries, art dealers, curators or art critics.

Categories of people who can post articles and other information on the Art2080.com platform

You can contact us if you are an artist, art historian or collector and if you have interesting information about yourself or other participants in the art market.

You should register on the Art2080.com platform to be able to discuss and evaluate works of art or articles.

Privacy policy

We undertake to recognize and respect your privacy rights by providing, processing and protecting your personal data promptly following the applicable Ukrainian law.

You should provide us with the following information about you:

  •  surname, first name and patronymic;
  •  creator pseudonym (in the presence of);
  •  the date of birth;
  •  the country of residence and home address;
  •  contact phone number.

Our contacts